'', 'start_path' => false, // login 'username' => '', 'password' => '', // images 'load_images' => true, 'load_files_proxy_php' => false, 'load_images_max_filesize' => 1000000, 'image_resize_enabled' => true, 'image_resize_cache' => true, 'image_resize_dimensions' => 320, 'image_resize_dimensions_retina' => 480, 'image_resize_dimensions_allowed' => '', 'image_resize_types' => 'jpeg, png, gif, webp, bmp', 'image_resize_quality' => 85, 'image_resize_function' => 'imagecopyresampled', 'image_resize_sharpen' => true, 'image_resize_memory_limit' => 128, 'image_resize_max_pixels' => 30000000, 'image_resize_min_ratio' => 1.5, 'image_resize_cache_direct' => false, 'folder_preview_image' => true, 'folder_preview_default' => '_filespreview.jpg', // menu 'menu_enabled' => true, 'menu_show' => true, 'menu_max_depth' => 5, 'menu_sort' => 'name_asc', 'menu_cache_validate' => true, 'menu_load_all' => false, 'menu_recursive_symlinks' => true, // files layout 'layout' => 'rows', 'sort' => 'name_asc', 'sort_dirs_first' => true, 'sort_function' => 'locale', // cache 'cache' => true, 'cache_key' => 0, 'storage_path' => '_files', // exclude files directories regex 'files_exclude' => '', 'dirs_exclude' => '', 'allow_symlinks' => true, // various 'title' => '%name% [%count%]', 'history' => true, 'transitions' => true, 'click' => 'popup', 'click_window' => '', 'click_window_popup' => true, 'code_max_load' => 100000, 'topbar_sticky' => 'scroll', 'check_updates' => false, 'allow_tasks' => false, 'get_mime_type' => false, 'context_menu' => true, 'prevent_right_click' => false, 'license_key' => '', 'filter_live' => true, 'filter_props' => 'name, filetype, mime, features, title', 'download_dir' => 'browser', 'download_dir_cache' => 'dir', 'assets' => '', // filemanager options 'allow_upload' => false, 'allow_delete' => false, 'allow_rename' => false, 'allow_new_folder' => false, 'allow_new_file' => false, 'allow_duplicate' => false, 'allow_text_edit' => false, 'demo_mode' => false, // uploader options 'upload_allowed_file_types' => '', 'upload_max_filesize' => 0, 'upload_exists' => 'increment', // popup options 'popup_video' => true, // video 'video_thumbs' => true, 'video_ffmpeg_path' => 'ffmpeg', // language 'lang_default' => 'en', 'lang_auto' => true, ); // config (will popuplate) public static $config = array(); // app vars static $__dir__ = __DIR__; static $__file__ = __FILE__; static $version = '0.7.0'; static $root; static $doc_root; static $has_login = false; static $storage_path; static $storage_is_within_doc_root = false; static $storage_config_realpath; static $storage_config; static $cache_path; static $image_resize_cache_direct; static $image_resize_dimensions_retina = false; static $dirs_hash = false; static $local_config_file = '_filesconfig.php'; static $username = false; static $password = false; static $x3_path = false; static $assets; // get config private function get_config($path) { if(empty($path) || !file_exists($path)) return array(); $config = include $path; return empty($config) || !is_array($config) ? array() : array_map(function($v){ return is_string($v) ? trim($v) : $v; }, $config); } // files check system and config [diagnostics] private function files_check($local_config, $storage_path, $storage_config, $user_config, $user_valid){ // display all errors to catch anything unusual ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); // BASIC DIAGNOSTICS echo 'Files App check system and config.

Files App ' . config::$version . '

' . (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '
' : '') . 'PHP ' . phpversion() . '

* The following tests are only to help diagnose feature-specific issues.

'; // prop output helper function prop($name, $success = 'neutral', $val = false){ return '
'. $name . ($val ? ': ' . $val . '' : '') . '
'; } // filesystem exists/writeable function exists_writeable($path, $name){ // display additional permissions+owner info only if $path is !writeable echo file_exists($path) ? prop($name . ' is_writeable ' . (!is_writable($path) ? ' ' . substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($path)), -4) . ' [owner ' . fileowner($path) . ']' : ''), is_writable($path)) : prop($name . ' "' . $path . '" does not exist', false); } exists_writeable(config::$config['root']?:'.', 'root'); exists_writeable(config::$config['storage_path'], 'storage_path'); if((file_exists(config::$config['root']) && !is_writable(config::$config['root'])) || (file_exists(config::$config['storage_path']) && !is_writable(config::$config['storage_path']))) exists_writeable(__FILE__, _basename(__FILE__)); // extension_loaded if(function_exists('extension_loaded')) foreach (['gd', 'exif', 'mbstring'] as $name) echo prop($name, extension_loaded($name)); // zip echo prop('ZipArchive', class_exists('ZipArchive')); // function_exsists foreach (['mime_content_type', 'finfo_file', 'iptcparse', 'exif_imagetype', 'session_start', 'ini_get', 'exec'] as $name) echo prop($name . '()', function_exists($name)); // check ffmpeg if exec (else don't check, because could be enabled even if exec() is not) if(function_exists('exec')) echo prop('ffmpeg', !!get_ffmpeg_path()); // ini_get if(function_exists('ini_get')) foreach (['memory_limit', 'file_uploads', 'upload_max_filesize', 'post_max_size', 'max_file_uploads'] as $name) echo prop($name, 'neutral', @ini_get($name)); // CONFIG OUTPUT echo '


'; // invalid and duplicate arrays $user_invalid = array_diff_key($user_config, self::$default); $user_duplicate = array_intersect_assoc($user_valid, self::$default); // items $items = array( ['arr' => $local_config, 'comment' => "// LOCAL CONFIG\n// " . self::$local_config_file], ['arr' => $storage_config, 'comment' => "// STORAGE CONFIG\n// " . rtrim($storage_path ?: '', '\/') . '/config/config.php'], ['arr' => $user_invalid, 'comment' => "// INVALID PARAMS\n// The following custom parameters will be ignored as they are not valid:", 'var' => '$invalid', 'hide' => empty($user_invalid)], ['arr' => $user_duplicate, 'comment' => "// DUPLICATE DEFAULT PARAMS\n// The following custom parameters will have no effect as they are identical to defaults:", 'var' => '$duplicate', 'hide' => empty($user_duplicate)], ['arr' => $user_valid, 'comment' => "// USER CONFIG\n// User config parameters.", 'var' => '$user', 'hide' => (empty($local_config) || empty($storage_config)) && empty($user_invalid)], ['arr' => self::$config, 'comment' => "// CONFIG\n// User parameters merged with default parameters.", 'var' => '$config'], ['arr' => self::$default, 'comment' => "// DEFAULT CONFIG\n// Default config parameters.", 'var' => '$default'], //['arr' => array_diff_key(get_class_vars('config'), array_flip(['default', 'config'])), 'comment' => "// STATIC VARS\n// Static app vars.", 'var' => '$static'] ); // loop $output = ' $props) { $is_empty = empty($props['arr']); if(isset($props['hide']) && $props['hide']) continue; foreach (['username', 'password', 'license_key', 'allow_tasks', '__dir__', '__file__'] as $prop) if(isset($props['arr'][$prop]) && !empty($props['arr'][$prop]) && is_string($props['arr'][$prop])) $props['arr'][$prop] = '***'; $export = $is_empty ? 'array ()' : var_export($props['arr'], true); $comment = preg_replace('/\n/', " [" . count($props['arr']) . "]\n", $props['comment'], 1); $var = isset($props['var']) ? $props['var'] . ' = ' : 'return '; $output .= PHP_EOL . $comment . PHP_EOL . $var . $export . ';' . PHP_EOL; } highlight_string($output . PHP_EOL . ';?>'); echo '
'; exit; } // check if root points to a dir inside X3 content / invalidate X3 cache on filemanager action / X3 license private function x3_check() { if(empty(self::$config['root']) || !is_string(self::$config['root'])) return; $path_arr = explode('/content', self::$config['root']); if(count($path_arr) < 2 || !@file_exists($path_arr[0] . '/app/x3.inc.php')) return; self::$x3_path = real_path($path_arr[0]); if(!self::$has_login) get_include('plugins/files.x3-login.php'); // optional x3 login plugin } // save config public static function save_config($config = array()){ $save_config = array_intersect_key(array_replace(self::$storage_config, $config), self::$default); $export = preg_replace("/ '/", " //'", var_export(array_replace(self::$default, $save_config), true)); foreach ($save_config as $key => $value) if($value !== self::$default[$key]) $export = str_replace("//'" . $key, "'" . $key, $export); return @file_put_contents(config::$storage_config_realpath, 'storage_path must be a unique dir.'); self::$storage_config_realpath = $storage_realpath ? $storage_realpath . '/config/config.php' : false; self::$storage_config = self::get_config(self::$storage_config_realpath); // config $user_config = array_replace(self::$storage_config, $local_config); $user_valid = array_intersect_key($user_config, self::$default); self::$config = array_replace(self::$default, $user_valid); // root self::$root = real_path(self::$config['root']); // files check with ?check=true if(get('check')) self::files_check($local_config, $storage_path, self::$storage_config, $user_config, $user_valid); // if(get('phpinfo')) { phpinfo(); exit; } // check system phpinfo with ?phpinfo=true / disabled for security // root does not exist if($is_doc && !self::$root) error('root dir "' . self::$config['root'] . '" does not exist.'); // doc root self::$doc_root = real_path($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); // login credentials self::$username = self::$config['username']; self::$password = self::$config['password']; // has_login self::$has_login = self::$username || self::$password ? true : false; // $image_cache $image_cache = self::$config['image_resize_enabled'] && self::$config['image_resize_cache'] && self::$config['load_images'] ? true : false; // cache enabled if($image_cache || self::$config['cache']){ // create storage_path if(empty($storage_realpath)){ $storage_path = is_string($storage_path) ? rtrim($storage_path, '\/') : false; if(empty($storage_path)) error('Invalid storage_path parameter.'); mkdir_or_error($storage_path); $storage_realpath = real_path($storage_path); if(empty($storage_realpath)) error("storage_path $storage_path does not exist and can't be created."); self::$storage_config_realpath = $storage_realpath . '/config/config.php'; // update since it wasn't assigned } self::$storage_path = $storage_realpath; // storage path is within doc root if(is_within_docroot(self::$storage_path)) self::$storage_is_within_doc_root = true; // cache_path real path self::$cache_path = self::$storage_path . '/cache'; // create storage dirs if($is_doc){ $create_dirs = [$storage_realpath . '/config']; if($image_cache) $create_dirs[] = self::$cache_path . '/images'; if(self::$config['cache']) array_push($create_dirs, self::$cache_path . '/folders', self::$cache_path . '/menu'); foreach($create_dirs as $create_dir) mkdir_or_error($create_dir); } // create/update config file, with default parameters commented out. if($is_doc && self::$storage_config_realpath && (!file_exists(self::$storage_config_realpath) || filemtime(self::$storage_config_realpath) < filemtime(__FILE__))) self::save_config(); // image resize cache direct if(self::$config['image_resize_cache_direct'] && !self::$has_login && self::$config['load_images'] && self::$config['image_resize_cache'] && self::$config['image_resize_enabled'] && self::$storage_is_within_doc_root) self::$image_resize_cache_direct = true; } // check if root points to a dir inside X3 content / allows invalidate X3 cache on filemanager actions, X3 resized images and X3 license self::x3_check(); // image_resize_dimensions_retina if(self::$config['image_resize_dimensions_retina'] && self::$config['image_resize_dimensions_retina'] > self::$config['image_resize_dimensions']) self::$image_resize_dimensions_retina = self::$config['image_resize_dimensions_retina']; // dirs hash self::$dirs_hash = substr(md5(self::$doc_root . self::$__dir__ . self::$root . self::$version . self::$config['cache_key'] . self::$image_resize_cache_direct . self::$config['files_exclude'] . self::$config['dirs_exclude']), 0, 6); // Assign assets url for plugins/JS/CSS/languages, defaults to CDN if($is_doc) self::$assets = empty(self::$config['assets']) ? 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/' : rtrim(self::$config['assets'], '/') . '/'; // login if(self::$has_login) check_login($is_doc); } }; // login page function login_page($is_login_attempt, $sidx, $is_logout, $client_hash){ ?> Login
= 5.5 && !password_needs_rehash(config::$password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT) ? password_verify($fpassword, config::$password) : ($fpassword == config::$password || md5($fpassword) == config::$password)) && $_POST['client_hash'] === $client_hash && $_POST['sidx'] === $sidx ){ $_SESSION['login'] = $login_hash; // display login page and exit } else { login_page($is_login_attempt, $sidx, $is_logout, $client_hash); } // not logged in (images or post API requests), don't show form. } else if(post('action')){ json_error('login'); } else { error('You are not logged in.', 401); } } } // function mkdir_or_error($path){ if(!file_exists($path) && !mkdir($path, 0777, true)) error('Failed to create ' . $path, 500); } function _basename($path){ return basename($path); // because setlocale(LC_ALL,'en_US.UTF-8') // OPTIONAL: replace basename() which may fail on UTF-8 chars if locale != UTF8 // $arr = explode('/', str_replace('\\', '/', $path)); // return end($arr); } function real_path($path){ $real_path = realpath($path); return $real_path ? str_replace('\\', '/', $real_path) : false; } function root_relative($dir){ return ltrim(substr($dir, strlen(config::$root)), '\/'); } function root_absolute($dir){ return config::$root . ($dir ? '/' . $dir : ''); } function is_within_path($path, $root){ return strpos($path . '/', $root . '/') === 0; } function is_within_root($path){ return is_within_path($path, config::$root); } function is_within_docroot($path){ return is_within_path($path, config::$doc_root); } function get_folders_cache_path($name){ return config::$cache_path . '/folders/' . $name . '.json'; } function get_json_cache_url($name){ $file = get_folders_cache_path($name); return file_exists($file) ? get_url_path($file) : false; } function get_dir_cache_path($dir, $mtime = false){ if(!config::$config['cache'] || !$dir) return; return get_folders_cache_path(get_dir_cache_hash($dir, $mtime)); } function get_dir_cache_hash($dir, $mtime = false){ return config::$dirs_hash . '.' . substr(md5($dir), 0, 6) . '.' . ($mtime ?: filemtime($dir)); } function header_memory_time(){ return (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']) ? round(microtime(true) - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'], 3) . 's, ' : '') . round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1048576, 1) . 'M'; } // read file // todo: add files-date header function read_file($path, $mime = false, $msg = false, $props = false, $cache_headers = false, $clone = false){ if(!$path || !file_exists($path)) return false; $cloned = $clone && @copy($path, $clone) ? true : false; //if($mime == 'image/svg') $mime .= '+xml'; header('content-type: ' . ($mime ?: 'image/jpeg')); header('content-length: ' . filesize($path)); header('content-disposition: filename="' . _basename($path) . '"'); if($msg) header('files-msg: ' . $msg . ($cloned ? ' [cloned to ' . _basename($clone) . ']' : '') . ' [' . ($props ? $props . ', ' : '') . header_memory_time() . ']'); if($cache_headers) set_cache_headers(); if(!is_readable($path) || readfile($path) === false) error('Failed to read file ' . $path . '.', 400); exit; } // get mime function get_mime($path){ if(function_exists('mime_content_type')){ return mime_content_type($path); } else { return function_exists('finfo_file') ? finfo_file(finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE), $path) : false; } } // set cache headers function set_cache_headers(){ $seconds = 31536000; // 1 year; header('expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $seconds) . ' GMT'); header("cache-control: public, max-age=$seconds, s-maxage=$seconds, immutable"); header('pragma: cache'); // header("Last-Modified:" . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() - $seconds) . ' GMT'); // etag? } // get image cache path function get_image_cache_path($path, $image_resize_dimensions, $filesize, $filemtime){ return config::$cache_path . '/images/' . substr(md5($path), 0, 6) . '.' . $filesize . '.' . $filemtime . '.' . $image_resize_dimensions . '.jpg'; } // is exclude function is_exclude($path = false, $is_dir = true, $symlinked = false){ // early exit if(!$path || $path === config::$root) return; // exclude all root-relative paths that start with /_files* (reserved for any files and folders to be ignored and hidden from Files app) if(strpos('/' . root_relative($path), '/_files') !== false) return true; // exclude files PHP application if($path === config::$__file__) return true; // symlinks not allowed if($symlinked && !config::$config['allow_symlinks']) return true; // exclude storage path if(config::$storage_path && is_within_path($path, config::$storage_path)) return true; // dirs_exclude: check root relative dir path if(config::$config['dirs_exclude']) { $dirname = $is_dir ? $path : dirname($path); if($dirname !== config::$root && preg_match(config::$config['dirs_exclude'], substr($dirname, strlen(config::$root)))) return true; } // files_exclude: check vs basename if(!$is_dir){ $basename = _basename($path); if($basename === config::$local_config_file) return true; if(config::$config['files_exclude'] && preg_match(config::$config['files_exclude'], $basename)) return true; } } // valid root path function valid_root_path($path, $is_dir = false){ // invalid if($path === false) return; if(!$is_dir && empty($path)) return; // path cannot be empty if file if($path && substr($path, -1) == '/') return; // path should never be root absolute or end with / // absolute path may differ if path contains symlink $root_absolute = root_absolute($path); $real_path = real_path($root_absolute); // file does not exist if(!$real_path) return; // security checks if path contains symlink if($root_absolute !== $real_path) { if(strpos(($is_dir ? $path : dirname($path)), ':') !== false) return; // dir may not contain ':' if(strpos($path, '..') !== false) return; // path may not contain '..' if(is_exclude($root_absolute, $is_dir, true)) return; } // nope if(!is_readable($real_path)) return; // not readable if($is_dir && !is_dir($real_path)) return; // dir check if(!$is_dir && !is_file($real_path)) return; // file check if(is_exclude($real_path, $is_dir)) return; // exclude path // return root_absolute return $root_absolute; } // image create from function image_create_from($path, $type){ if(!$path || !$type) return; if($type === IMAGETYPE_JPEG){ return imagecreatefromjpeg($path); } else if ($type === IMAGETYPE_PNG) { return imagecreatefrompng($path); } else if ($type === IMAGETYPE_GIF) { return imagecreatefromgif($path); } else if ($type === 18/*IMAGETYPE_WEBP*/) { if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) return imagecreatefromwebp($path); } else if ($type === IMAGETYPE_BMP) { if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0') >= 0) return imagecreatefrombmp($path); } } // get ffmpeg path / check required config items / check exec() / create "quoted" / check exec('ffmpeg -version') function get_ffmpeg_path(){ if(!empty(array_filter(['video_thumbs', 'load_images', 'image_resize_cache', 'video_ffmpeg_path'], function($key){ return empty(config::$config[$key]); })) || !function_exists('exec')) return false; //$path = '"' . str_replace('"', '\"', config::$config['video_ffmpeg_path']) . '"'; // <- if path contains Chinese chars $path = escapeshellarg(config::$config['video_ffmpeg_path']); return @exec($path . ' -version') ? $path : false; } // get file (proxy or resize image) function get_file($path, $resize = false){ // validate if(!$path) error('Invalid file request.', 404); $path = real_path($path); // in case of symlink path $mime = get_mime($path); // may return false if server does not support mime_content_type() or finfo_file() // video thumbnail (FFmpeg) if($resize == 'video') { // requirements with diagnostics / only check $mime if $mime detected if($mime && strtok($mime, '/') !== 'video') error('' . _basename($path) . ' (' . $mime . ') is not a video.', 415); // get cache path $cache = get_image_cache_path($path, 480, filesize($path), filemtime($path)); // check for cached video thumbnail / $path, $mime, $msg, $props, $cache_headers if($cache) read_file($cache, null, 'Video thumb served from cache', null, true); // get FFmpeg path `video_ffmpeg_path` / checks `exec('ffmpeg -version')` $ffmpeg_path = get_ffmpeg_path(); if(!$ffmpeg_path) error('FFmpeg disabled. Check your diagnostics.', 400); // ffmpeg command $cmd = $ffmpeg_path . ' -ss 3 -t 1 -hide_banner -i "' . str_replace('"', '\"', $path) . '" -frames:v 1 -an -vf "thumbnail,scale=480:320:force_original_aspect_ratio=increase,crop=480:320" -r 1 -y -f mjpeg "' . $cache . '" 2>&1'; // try to execute command exec($cmd, $output, $result_code); // fail if result_code is anything else than 0 if($result_code) error("Error generating thumbnail for video (\$result_code $result_code)", 400); // fix for empty video previews that get created for extremely short videos (or other unknown errors) if(file_exists($cache) && !filesize($cache) && imagejpeg(imagecreate(1, 1), $cache)) read_file($cache, 'image/jpeg', '1px placeholder image created and cached', null, true); // output created video thumbnail read_file($cache, null, 'Video thumb created', null, true); // resize image } else if($resize){ if($mime && strtok($mime, '/') !== 'image') error('' . _basename($path) . ' (' . $mime . ') is not an image.', 415); foreach (['load_images', 'image_resize_enabled'] as $key) if(!config::$config[$key]) error('[' .$key . '] disabled.', 400); $resize_dimensions = intval($resize); if(!$resize_dimensions) error("Invalid resize parameter $resize.", 400); $allowed = config::$config['image_resize_dimensions_allowed'] ?: []; if(!in_array($resize_dimensions, array_merge([config::$config['image_resize_dimensions'], config::$config['image_resize_dimensions_retina']], array_map('intval', is_array($allowed) ? $allowed : explode(',', $allowed))))) error("Resize parameter $resize_dimensions is not allowed.", 400); resize_image($path, $resize_dimensions); // proxy file } else { // disable if !proxy and path is within document root (file should never be proxied) if(!config::$config['load_files_proxy_php'] && is_within_docroot($path)) error('File cannot be proxied.', 400); // read file / $mime or 'application/octet-stream' read_file($path, ($mime ?: 'application/octet-stream'), $msg = 'File ' . _basename($path) . ' proxied.', false, true); } } // sharpen resized image function sharpen_image($image){ $matrix = array( array(-1, -1, -1), array(-1, 20, -1), array(-1, -1, -1), ); $divisor = array_sum(array_map('array_sum', $matrix)); $offset = 0; imageconvolution($image, $matrix, $divisor, $offset); } // exif orientation // https://github.com/gumlet/php-image-resize/blob/master/lib/ImageResize.php function exif_orientation($orientation, &$image){ if(empty($orientation) || !is_numeric($orientation) || $orientation < 3 || $orientation > 8) return; $image = imagerotate($image, array(6 => 270, 5 => 270, 3 => 180, 4 => 180, 8 => 90, 7 => 90)[$orientation], 0); if(in_array($orientation, array(5, 4, 7)) && function_exists('imageflip')) imageflip($image, IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL); return true; } // resize image function resize_image($path, $resize_dimensions, $clone = false){ // file size $file_size = filesize($path); // header props $header_props = 'w:' . $resize_dimensions . ', q:' . config::$config['image_resize_quality'] . ', ' . config::$config['image_resize_function'] . ', cache:' . (config::$config['image_resize_cache'] ? '1' : '0'); // cache $cache = config::$config['image_resize_cache'] ? get_image_cache_path($path, $resize_dimensions, $file_size, filemtime($path)) : NULL; if($cache) read_file($cache, null, 'Resized image served from cache', $header_props, true, $clone); // imagesize $info = getimagesize($path); if(empty($info) || !is_array($info)) error('Invalid image / failed getimagesize().', 500); $resize_ratio = max($info[0], $info[1]) / $resize_dimensions; // image_resize_max_pixels early exit if(config::$config['image_resize_max_pixels'] && $info[0] * $info[1] > config::$config['image_resize_max_pixels']) error('Image resolution ' . $info[0] . ' x ' . $info[1] . ' (' . ($info[0] * $info[1]) . ' px) exceeds image_resize_max_pixels (' . config::$config['image_resize_max_pixels'] . ' px).', 400); // header props $header_props .= ', ' . $info['mime'] . ', ' . $info[0] . 'x' . $info[1] . ', ratio:' . round($resize_ratio, 2); // check if image type is in image_resize_types / jpeg, png, gif, webp, bmp $is_resize_type = in_array(image_type_to_extension($info[2], false), array_map(function($key){ $type = trim(strtolower($key)); return $type === 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : $type; }, explode(',', config::$config['image_resize_types']))); // serve original if !$is_resize_type || resize ratio < image_resize_min_ratio (only if $file_size <= load_images_max_filesize) //if((!$is_resize_type || $resize_ratio < max(config::$config['image_resize_min_ratio'], 1)) && !read_file($path, $info['mime'], 'Original image served', $header_props, true, $clone)) error('File does not exist.', 404); if((!$is_resize_type || ($resize_ratio < max(config::$config['image_resize_min_ratio'], 1) && $file_size <= config::$config['load_images_max_filesize'])) && !read_file($path, $info['mime'], 'Original image served', $header_props, true, $clone)) error('File does not exist.', 404); // Calculate new image dimensions. $resize_width = round($info[0] / $resize_ratio); $resize_height = round($info[1] / $resize_ratio); // memory $memory_limit = config::$config['image_resize_memory_limit'] && function_exists('ini_get') ? (int) @ini_get('memory_limit') : false; if($memory_limit && $memory_limit > -1){ // $memory_required = ceil(($info[0] * $info[1] * 4 + $resize_width * $resize_height * 4) / 1048576); $memory_required = round(($info[0] * $info[1] * (isset($info['bits']) ? $info['bits'] / 8 : 1) * (isset($info['channels']) ? $info['channels'] : 3) * 1.33 + $resize_width * $resize_height * 4) / 1048576, 1); $new_memory_limit = function_exists('ini_set') ? max($memory_limit, config::$config['image_resize_memory_limit']) : $memory_limit; if($memory_required > $new_memory_limit) error('Resizing this image requires at least ' . $memory_required . 'M. Your current PHP memory_limit is ' . $new_memory_limit .'M.', 400); if($memory_limit < $new_memory_limit && @ini_set('memory_limit', $new_memory_limit . 'M')) $header_props .= ', ' . $memory_limit . 'M => ' . $new_memory_limit . 'M (min ' . $memory_required . 'M)'; } // new dimensions headers $header_props .= ', ' . $resize_width . 'x' . $resize_height; // create new $image $image = image_create_from($path, $info[2]); if(!$image) error('Failed to create image resource.', 500); // Create final image with new dimensions. $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($resize_width, $resize_height); if(!call_user_func(config::$config['image_resize_function'], $new_image, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $resize_width, $resize_height, $info[0], $info[1])) error('Failed to resize image.', 500); // destroy original $image resource imagedestroy($image); // exif orientation $exif = function_exists('exif_read_data') ? @exif_read_data($path) : false; if(!empty($exif) && is_array($exif) && isset($exif['Orientation']) && exif_orientation($exif['Orientation'], $new_image)) $header_props .= ', orientated from EXIF:' . $exif['Orientation']; // sharpen resized image if(config::$config['image_resize_sharpen']) sharpen_image($new_image); // save to cache if($cache){ if(!imagejpeg($new_image, $cache, config::$config['image_resize_quality'])) error('imagejpeg() failed to create and cache resized image.', 500); // clone cache (used for folder previews) if($clone) @copy($cache, $clone); // cache disabled / direct output } else { set_cache_headers(); header('content-type: image/jpeg'); header('files-msg: Resized image served [' . $header_props . ', ' . header_memory_time() . ']'); if(!imagejpeg($new_image, null, config::$config['image_resize_quality'])) error('imagejpeg() failed to create and output resized image.', 500); } // destroy image imagedestroy($new_image); // cache readfile if($cache && !read_file($cache, null, 'Resized image cached and served', $header_props, true, $clone)) error('Cache file does not exist.', 404); // exit; } function get_url_path($dir){ if(!is_within_docroot($dir)) return false; // if in __dir__ path, __dir__ relative if(is_within_path($dir, config::$__dir__)) return $dir === config::$__dir__ ? '.' : substr($dir, strlen(config::$__dir__) + 1); // doc root, doc root relative return $dir === config::$doc_root ? '/' : substr($dir, strlen(config::$doc_root)); } // get dir function get_dir($path, $files = false, $json_url = false){ // realpath $realpath = $path ? real_path($path) : false; if(!$realpath) return; // no real path for any reason $symlinked = $realpath !== $path; // path is symlinked at some point // exclude if(is_exclude($path, true, $symlinked)) return; // exclude if($symlinked && is_exclude($realpath, true, $symlinked)) return; // exclude check again symlink realpath // vars $filemtime = filemtime($realpath); $url_path = get_url_path($realpath) ?: ($symlinked ? get_url_path($path) : false); $is_readable = is_readable($realpath); // array $arr = array( 'basename' => _basename($realpath) ?: _basename($path) ?: '', 'fileperms' => substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($realpath)), -4), 'filetype' => 'dir', 'is_readable' => $is_readable, 'is_writeable' => is_writeable($realpath), 'is_link' => $symlinked ? is_link($path) : false, 'is_dir' => true, 'mime' => 'directory', 'mtime' => $filemtime, 'path' => root_relative($path) ); // url path if($url_path) $arr['url_path'] = $url_path; // get_files() || config::menu_load_all if($files && $is_readable) { // files array $arr['files'] = get_files_data($path, $url_path, $arr['dirsize'], $arr['files_count'], $arr['images_count'], $arr['preview']); } // json cache path if($json_url && config::$storage_is_within_doc_root && !config::$has_login && config::$config['cache']){ $json_cache = get_json_cache_url(get_dir_cache_hash($realpath, $filemtime)); if($json_cache) $arr['json_cache'] = $json_cache; } // return $arr; } // get menu sort function get_menu_sort($dirs){ if(strpos(config::$config['menu_sort'], 'date') === 0){ usort($dirs, function($a, $b) { return filemtime($a) - filemtime($b); }); } else { natcasesort($dirs); } return substr(config::$config['menu_sort'], -4) === 'desc' ? array_reverse($dirs) : $dirs; } // recursive directory scan function get_dirs($path = false, &$arr = array(), $depth = 0) { // get this dir (ignore root, unless load all ... root already loaded into page) if($depth || config::$config['menu_load_all']) { $data = get_dir($path, config::$config['menu_load_all'], !config::$config['menu_load_all']); if(!$data) return $arr; // $arr[] = $data; // max depth if(config::$config['menu_max_depth'] && $depth >= config::$config['menu_max_depth']) return $arr; // don't recursive if symlink if($data['is_link'] && !config::$config['menu_recursive_symlinks']) return $arr; } // get dirs from files array if $data['files'] or glob subdirs $subdirs = isset($data['files']) ? array_filter(array_map(function($file){ return $file['filetype'] === 'dir' ? root_absolute($file['path']) : false; }, $data['files'])) : glob($path . '/*', GLOB_NOSORT|GLOB_ONLYDIR); // sort and loop subdirs if(!empty($subdirs)) foreach(get_menu_sort($subdirs) as $subdir) get_dirs($subdir, $arr, $depth + 1); // return return $arr; } // encode to UTF-8 when required function safe_iptc_tag($val){ $val = @substr($val, 0, 1000); return @mb_detect_encoding($val, 'UTF-8', true) ? $val : @utf8_encode($val); } // get IPTC function get_iptc($image_info){ if(!$image_info || !isset($image_info['APP13']) || !function_exists('iptcparse')) return; $app13 = @iptcparse($image_info['APP13']); if(empty($app13)) return; $iptc = array(); // loop title, headline, description, creator, credit, copyright, keywords, city, sub-location and province-state foreach (['title'=>'005', 'headline'=>'105', 'description'=>'120', 'creator'=>'080', 'credit'=>'110', 'copyright'=>'116', 'keywords'=>'025', 'city'=>'090', 'sub-location'=>'092', 'province-state'=>'095'] as $name => $code) { if(isset($app13['2#' . $code][0]) && !empty($app13['2#' . $code][0])) $iptc[$name] = $name === 'keywords' ? $app13['2#' . $code] : safe_iptc_tag($app13['2#' . $code][0]); } // return IPTC return $iptc; } // EXIF timestamps always relative to UTC/GMT / Prevent app failure if date strings are malformed function exif_timestamp($str){ try { return (new DateTime($str, new DateTimeZone('UTC')))->getTimestamp(); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } // get exif function get_exif($path){ if(!function_exists('exif_read_data')) return; $exif_data = @exif_read_data($path, 'ANY_TAG', 0); if(empty($exif_data) || !is_array($exif_data)) return; $exif = array(); foreach (array('DateTime', 'DateTimeOriginal', 'ExposureTime', 'FNumber', 'FocalLength', 'Make', 'Model', 'Orientation', 'ISOSpeedRatings', 'Software') as $name) { $val = isset($exif_data[$name]) ? $exif_data[$name] : false; if($val) $exif[$name] = strpos($name, 'DateTime') === 0 ? exif_timestamp($val) : (is_string($val) ? trim($val) : $val); } // computed ApertureFNumber (f_stop) if(isset($exif_data['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber'])) $exif['ApertureFNumber'] = $exif_data['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber']; // flash //if(isset($exif_data['Flash'])) $exif['Flash'] = ($exif_data['Flash'] & 1) != 0; // GPS $exif['gps'] = get_image_location($exif_data); // return return array_filter($exif); } // exif GPS / get_image_location function get_image_location($exif) { $arr = array(); foreach (array('GPSLatitude', 'GPSLongitude') as $key) { if(!isset($exif[$key]) || !isset($exif[$key.'Ref'])) return false; $coordinate = $exif[$key]; if(is_string($coordinate)) $coordinate = array_map('trim', explode(',', $coordinate)); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $part = explode('/', $coordinate[$i]); if (count($part) == 1) { $coordinate[$i] = $part[0]; } else if (count($part) == 2) { if($part[1] == 0) return false; // can't be 0 / invalid GPS $coordinate[$i] = floatval($part[0])/floatval($part[1]); } else { $coordinate[$i] = 0; } } list($degrees, $minutes, $seconds) = $coordinate; $sign = ($exif[$key.'Ref'] == 'W' || $exif[$key.'Ref'] == 'S') ? -1 : 1; $arr[] = $sign * ($degrees + $minutes/60 + $seconds/3600); } return empty($arr) ? false : $arr; } // function get_files_data($dir, $url_path = false, &$dirsize = 0, &$files_count = 0, &$images_count = 0, &$preview = false){ // scandir $filenames = scandir($dir, SCANDIR_SORT_NONE); if(empty($filenames)) return array(); $items = array(); // look for folder_preview_default (might be excluded in loop) if(config::$config['folder_preview_default'] && in_array(config::$config['folder_preview_default'], $filenames)) $preview = config::$config['folder_preview_default']; // loop filenames foreach($filenames as $filename) { // if($filename === '.' || $filename === '..') continue; $path = $dir . '/' . $filename; // paths $realpath = real_path($path); // differs from $path only if is symlinked if(!$realpath) continue; // no real path for any reason, for example symlink dead $symlinked = $realpath !== $path; // path is symlinked at some point // filetype $filetype = filetype($realpath); $is_dir = $filetype === 'dir' ? true : false; // exclude if(is_exclude($path, $is_dir, $symlinked)) continue; // exclude if($symlinked && is_exclude($realpath, $is_dir, $symlinked)) continue; // exclude check again symlink realpath // vars if(!$is_dir) $files_count ++; // files count $is_link = $symlinked ? is_link($path) : false; // symlink $basename = $is_link ? (_basename($realpath) ?: $filename) : $filename; $filemtime = filemtime($realpath); $is_readable = is_readable($realpath); $filesize = $is_dir ? false : filesize($realpath); if($filesize) $dirsize += $filesize; // url_path / symlink $item_url_path = $symlinked ? get_url_path($realpath) : false; // url_path from realpath if symlinked if(!$item_url_path && $url_path) $item_url_path = $url_path . ($url_path === '/' ? '' : '/') . ($is_link ? _basename($path) : $basename); // root path // path relative to config::$root if(!$symlinked || is_within_root($realpath)){ $root_path = root_relative($realpath); // path is symlinked and !is_within_root(), get path-relative } else { // root path to symlink $root_path = root_relative($path); // check for symlink loop if($is_link && $is_dir && $path && $root_path) { $basename_path = _basename($root_path); if($basename_path && preg_match('/(\/|^)' . $basename_path. '\//', $root_path)){ $loop_path = ''; $segments = explode('/', $root_path); array_pop($segments); foreach ($segments as $segment) { $loop_path .= ($loop_path ? '/' : '') . $segment; if($segment !== $basename_path) continue; $loop_abs_path = root_absolute($loop_path); if(!is_link($loop_abs_path) || $realpath !== real_path($loop_abs_path)) continue; $root_path = $loop_path; $item_url_path = get_url_path($loop_abs_path) ?: $item_url_path; // new symlink is within doc_root break; } } } } // add properties $item = array( 'basename' => $basename, 'fileperms' => substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($realpath)), -4), 'filetype' => $filetype, 'filesize' => $filesize, 'is_readable' => $is_readable, 'is_writeable' => is_writeable($realpath), 'is_link' => $is_link, 'is_dir' => $is_dir, 'mtime' => $filemtime, 'path' => $root_path ); // optional props $ext = !$is_dir ? substr(strrchr($realpath, '.'), 1) : false; if($ext) { $ext = strtolower($ext); $item['ext'] = $ext; } $mime = $is_dir ? 'directory' : ($is_readable && (!$ext || $ext === 'ts' || config::$config['get_mime_type']) ? get_mime($realpath) : false); if($mime) $item['mime'] = $mime; if($item_url_path) $item['url_path'] = $item_url_path; // image / check from mime, fallback to extension $is_image = $is_dir ? false : ($mime ? (strtok($mime, '/') === 'image' && !strpos($mime, 'svg')) : in_array($ext, array('gif','jpg','jpeg','jpc','jp2','jpx','jb2','png','swf','psd','bmp','tiff','tif','wbmp','xbm','ico','webp'))); if($is_image){ // imagesize $imagesize = $is_readable ? @getimagesize($realpath, $info) : false; // image count and icon $images_count ++; $item['icon'] = 'image'; // is imagesize if(!empty($imagesize) && is_array($imagesize)){ // set folder_preview if(!$preview && in_array($ext, array('gif','jpg','jpeg','png'))) $preview = $basename; // start image array $image = array(); foreach (array(0 => 'width', 1 => 'height', 2 => 'type', 'bits' => 'bits', 'channels' => 'channels', 'mime' => 'mime') as $key => $name) if(isset($imagesize[$key])) $image[$name] = $imagesize[$key]; // mime from image if(!$mime && isset($image['mime'])) $item['mime'] = $image['mime']; // IPTC $iptc = $info ? get_iptc($info) : false; if(!empty($iptc)) $image['iptc'] = $iptc; // EXIF $exif = get_exif($realpath); if(!empty($exif)) { $image['exif'] = $exif; if(isset($exif['DateTimeOriginal'])) $item['DateTimeOriginal'] = $exif['DateTimeOriginal']; // invert width/height if exif orientation if(isset($exif['Orientation']) && $exif['Orientation'] > 4 && $exif['Orientation'] < 9){ $image['width'] = $imagesize[1]; $image['height'] = $imagesize[0]; } } // panorama equirectangular if w/h === 2 / find resized panoramas '_files_{size}_{filename.jpg}' if($item_url_path && $imagesize[0] && $imagesize[0] > 2048 && $imagesize[0]/$imagesize[1] === 2){ $panorama_resized = []; // check for resizes if resize >= original foreach ([2048, 4096, 8192] as $resize) { if($resize >= $imagesize[0]) break; if(file_exists($dir . '/_files_' . $resize . '_' . $filename)) $panorama_resized[] = $resize; } if(!empty($panorama_resized)) $item['panorama_resized'] = array_reverse($panorama_resized); } // image resize cache direct if(config::$image_resize_cache_direct){ $resize1 = get_image_cache_path($realpath, config::$config['image_resize_dimensions'], $filesize, $filemtime); if(file_exists($resize1)) $image['resize' . config::$config['image_resize_dimensions']] = get_url_path($resize1); $retina = config::$image_resize_dimensions_retina; if($retina){ $resize2 = get_image_cache_path($realpath, $retina, $filesize, $filemtime); if(file_exists($resize2)) $image['resize' . $retina] = get_url_path($resize2); } } // add image to item $item['image'] = $image; // get real mime if getimagesize fails. Could be non-image disguised as image extension } else if($is_readable && !$mime){ $mime = get_mime($realpath); if($mime) { $item['mime'] = $mime; if(strtok($mime, '/') !== 'image'){ // unset images_count and icon because is not image after all $images_count --; unset($item['icon']); } } } // read .URL shortcut files and present as links / https://fileinfo.com/extension/url } else if($is_readable && $ext === 'url'){ $url_lines = @file($realpath); if(!empty($url_lines) && is_array($url_lines)) foreach ($url_lines as $str) if(preg_match('/^url\s*=\s*([\S\s]+)/i', trim($str), $url_matches) && !empty($url_matches) && isset($url_matches[1])){ $item['url'] = $url_matches[1]; break; } } // add to items with basename as key $items[$basename] = $item; } // Sort dirs on top and natural case sort / sorts in JS anyway, but improves performance if stored in json cache uasort($items, function($a, $b){ if(!config::$config['sort_dirs_first'] || $a['is_dir'] === $b['is_dir']) return strnatcasecmp($a['basename'], $b['basename']); return $b['is_dir'] ? 1 : -1; }); // //var_dump($items); exit; return $items; } // get files function get_files($dir){ // invalid $dir if(!$dir) json_error('Invalid directory'); // cache $cache = get_dir_cache_path(real_path($dir)); // read cache or get dir and cache if(!read_file($cache, 'application/json', 'files json served from cache')) { json_cache(get_dir($dir, true), 'files json created' . ($cache ? ' and cached' : ''), $cache); } } /* start here */ function post($param){ return isset($_POST[$param]) && !empty($_POST[$param]) ? $_POST[$param] : false; } function get($param){ return isset($_GET[$param]) && !empty($_GET[$param]) ? $_GET[$param] : false; } function json_cache($arr = array(), $msg = false, $cache = true){ $json = empty($arr) ? '{}' : json_encode($arr, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_PARTIAL_OUTPUT_ON_ERROR); if(empty($json)) json_error(json_last_error() ? json_last_error_msg() : 'json_encode() error'); if($cache) @file_put_contents($cache, $json); if($msg) header('files-msg: ' . $msg . ' [' . header_memory_time() . ']'); header('content-type: application/json'); echo $json; } function json_error($error = 'Error'){ json_exit(array('error' => $error)); } function json_success($success = 'Success'){ json_exit(array('success' => $success)); } function json_toggle($success, $error){ json_exit(array_filter(array('success' => $success, 'error' => empty($success) ? $error : 0))); } function json_exit($arr = array()){ header('content-type: application/json'); exit(json_encode($arr)); } function error($msg, $code = false){ // 400 Bad Request, 403 Forbidden, 401 Unauthorized, 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error if($code) http_response_code($code); header('content-type: text/html'); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0, s-maxage=0'); header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false); header('Pragma: no-cache'); exit('


' . $msg); } // get valid menu cache function get_valid_menu_cache($cache){ if(!$cache || !file_exists($cache)) return; $json = @file_get_contents($cache); if(empty($json)) return; if(!config::$config['menu_cache_validate']) return $json; $arr = @json_decode($json, true); if(empty($arr)) return; foreach ($arr as $key => $val) { $path = $val['path']; if(strpos($path, '/') !== false && $val['mtime'] !== @filemtime(root_absolute($path))) return; // skip shallow 1st level dirs, and compare filemtime } return $json; } // get root dirs function get_root_dirs(){ $root_dirs = glob(config::$root . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR|GLOB_NOSORT); if(empty($root_dirs)) return array(); return array_filter($root_dirs, function($dir){ return !is_exclude($dir, true, is_link($dir)); }); } // get menu cache hash function get_menu_cache_hash($root_dirs){ $mtime_count = filemtime(config::$root); foreach ($root_dirs as $root_dir) $mtime_count += filemtime($root_dir); return substr(md5(config::$doc_root . config::$__dir__ . config::$root), 0, 6) . '.' . substr(md5(config::$version . config::$config['cache_key'] . config::$config['menu_max_depth'] . config::$config['menu_load_all'] . (config::$config['menu_load_all'] ? config::$config['files_exclude'] . config::$image_resize_cache_direct : '') . config::$has_login . config::$config['dirs_exclude'] . config::$config['menu_sort']), 0, 6) . '.' . $mtime_count; } // get dirs function dirs(){ // get menu_cache_hash if(config::$config['cache']){ $menu_cache_hash = post('menu_cache_hash'); // get menu cache hash $menu_cache_arr = $menu_cache_hash ? explode('.', $menu_cache_hash) : false; if(!$menu_cache_arr || count($menu_cache_arr) !== 3 || strlen($menu_cache_arr[0]) !== 6 || strlen($menu_cache_arr[1]) !== 6 || !is_numeric($menu_cache_arr[2]) ) json_error('Invalid menu cache hash'); // early exit } $cache = config::$config['cache'] ? config::$cache_path . '/menu/' . $menu_cache_hash . '.json' : false; // get cache path $json = $cache ? get_valid_menu_cache($cache) : false; // get valid json menu cache // $json is valid from menu cache file if($json){ header('content-type: application/json'); header('files-msg: valid menu cache hash [' . $menu_cache_hash . ']' . (!config::$config['menu_cache_validate'] ? '[deep validation disabled]' : '') . '[' . header_memory_time() . ']'); echo (post('localstorage') ? '{"localstorage":"1"}' : $json); // reload dirs } else { json_cache(get_dirs(config::$root), 'dirs reloaded' . ($cache ? ' and cached.' : ' [cache disabled]'), $cache); } } // include file html, php, css, js function get_include($file){ if(!config::$storage_path) return; $path = config::$storage_path . '/' . $file; if(!file_exists($path)) return; $ext = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if(in_array($ext, ['html', 'php'])) return include $path; if(!config::$storage_is_within_doc_root) return; $src = get_url_path($path) . '?' . filemtime($path); if($ext === 'js') echo ''; if($ext === 'css') echo ''; } // POST if(post('action')){ // post action $action = post('action'); // new config(); // filemanager actions [beta] if($action === 'fm') { // validate task $task = post('task'); if(empty($task) || !isset(config::$config['allow_' . $task]) || !config::$config['allow_' . $task]) json_error('invalid task'); // demo_mode if(config::$config['demo_mode']) json_error('Action not allowed in demo mode'); // valid path / path must be inside assigned root $is_dir = post('is_dir'); $post_path = post('path') ?: ''; $path = valid_root_path($post_path, $is_dir); if(empty($path)) json_error('invalid path ' . $post_path); $path = real_path($path); // in case of symlink path // name_is_allowed / trim name, fail if empty or dodgy characters, mkfile, mkdir, rename, duplicate function name_is_allowed($name){ $name = $name ? trim($name) : false; // trim // block empty / <>:"'/\|?*# chars / .. / endswith . if(empty($name) || preg_match('/[<>:"\'\/\\\|?*#]|\.\.|\.$/', $name)) json_error('invalid name ' . $name); return $name; // return valid trimmed name } // filemanager json_toggle function fm_json_toggle($success, $error){ fm_json_exit($success, array_filter(array('success' => $success, 'error' => empty($success) ? $error : 0))); } // filemanager json_exit / includes feature to invalidate X3 cache if x3-plugin active function fm_json_exit($success, $arr){ $x3 = config::$x3_path && $success ? config::$x3_path . '/app/x3.inc.php' : false; if($x3 && @file_exists($x3) && @is_writable($x3)) touch($x3); json_exit($arr); } // UPLOAD if($task === 'upload'){ // upload path must be dir if(!$is_dir) json_error('invalid dir ' . $post_path); // upload path must be writeable if(!is_writable($path)) json_error('upload dir ' . $post_path . ' is not writeable'); // get $_FILES['file'] $file = isset($_FILES) && isset($_FILES['file']) && is_array($_FILES['file']) ? $_FILES['file'] : false; // invalid $_FILES['file'] if(empty($file) || !isset($file['error']) || is_array($file['error'])) json_error('invalid $_FILES[]'); // PHP meaningful file upload errors / https://www.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.errors.php if($file['error'] !== 0) { $upload_errors = array( 1 => 'Uploaded file exceeds upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini', 2 => 'Uploaded file exceeds MAX_FILE_SIZE directive specified in the HTML form', 3 => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded', 4 => 'No file was uploaded', 6 => 'Missing a temporary folder', 7 => 'Failed to write file to disk.', 8 => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload.' ); json_error(isset($upload_errors[$file['error']]) ? $upload_errors[$file['error']] : 'unknown error'); } // invalid $file['size'] if(!isset($file['size']) || empty($file['size'])) json_error('invalid file size'); // $file['size'] must not exceed $config['upload_max_filesize'] if(config::$config['upload_max_filesize'] && $file['size'] > config::$config['upload_max_filesize']) json_error('File size [' . $file['size'] . '] exceeds upload_max_filesize option [' . config::$config['upload_max_filesize'] . ']'); // filename $filename = $file['name']; // security: slashes are never ever allowed in filenames / always basenamed() but just in case if(strpos($filename, '/') !== false || strpos($filename, '\\') !== false) json_error('Illegal \slash/ in filename ' . $filename); // allow only valid file types from config::$config['upload_allowed_file_types'] / 'image/*, .pdf, .mp4' $allowed_file_types = !empty(config::$config['upload_allowed_file_types']) ? array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', config::$config['upload_allowed_file_types']))) : false; if(!empty($allowed_file_types)){ $mime = get_mime($file['tmp_name']) ?: $file['type']; // mime from PHP or upload[type] $ext = strrchr(strtolower($filename), '.'); $is_valid = false; // check if extension match || wildcard match mime type image/* foreach ($allowed_file_types as $allowed_file_type) if($ext === ('.'.ltrim($allowed_file_type, '.')) || fnmatch($allowed_file_type, $mime)) { $is_valid = true; break; } if(!$is_valid) json_error('invalid file type ' . $filename); // extra security: check if image is image if(function_exists('exif_imagetype') && in_array($ext, ['.gif', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.png', '.swf', '.psd', '.bmp', '.tif', '.tiff', 'webp']) && !@exif_imagetype($file['tmp_name'])) json_error('invalid image type ' . $filename); } // file naming if !overwrite and file exists if(config::$config['upload_exists'] !== 'overwrite' && file_exists("$path/$filename")){ // fail if !increment / 'upload_exists' => 'fail' || false || '' empty if(config::$config['upload_exists'] !== 'increment') json_error("$filename already exists"); // increment filename / 'upload_exists' => 'increment' $name = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME); $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $inc = 1; while(file_exists($path . '/' . $name . '-' . $inc . '.' . $ext)) $inc ++; $filename = $name . '-' . $inc . '.' . $ext; } // all is well! attempt to move_uploaded_file() if(@move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], "$path/$filename")) fm_json_exit(true, array( 'success' => true, 'filename' => $filename, // return filename in case it was incremented or renamed 'url' => get_url_path("$path/$filename") // for usage with showLinkToFileUploadResult )); // error if failed to move uploaded file json_error('failed to move_uploaded_file()'); // DELETE } else if($task === 'delete'){ // dir recursive if($is_dir){ // success/fail count $success = 0; $fail = 0; // recursive rmdir function rrmdir($dir, &$success, &$fail) { //global $success, $fail; if(!is_readable($dir)) return $fail ++; $files = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.','..')); if(!empty($files)) foreach ($files as $file) { is_dir("$dir/$file") ? rrmdir("$dir/$file", $success, $fail) : (@unlink("$dir/$file") ? $success++ : $fail++); } @rmdir($dir) ? $success ++ : $fail ++; } // recursive rmdir start rrmdir($path, $success, $fail); // response with partial success/fail count or error if there is !$success fm_json_exit($success, array_filter(array('success' => $success, 'fail' => $fail, 'error' => (empty($success) ? 'Failed to delete dir' : 0)))); // single file } else { fm_json_toggle(@unlink($path), 'PHP unlink() failed'); } // new_folder || new_file } else if($task === 'new_folder' || $task === 'new_file'){ if(!$is_dir) json_error('invalid dir ' . $post_path); // parent path must be dir if(!is_writable($path)) json_error($post_path . ' is not writeable.'); // dir must be writeable $name = name_is_allowed(post('name')); // trim and check valid $file_path = $path . '/' . $name; if(file_exists($file_path)) json_error($name . ' already exists'); fm_json_toggle($task === 'new_folder' ? @mkdir($file_path) : @touch($file_path), $task . ' failed'); // rename $path (file or dir) } else if($task === 'rename'){ if(!is_writable($path)) json_error($post_path . ' is not writeable.'); // path must be writeable $name = name_is_allowed(post('name')); // trim and check valid $new_path = dirname($path) . '/' . $name; if(file_exists($new_path)) json_error("$name already exists."); // new name exists // security: prevent renaming 'file.html' to 'file.php' / file must already be *.php when renaming if(!$is_dir && stripos($path, '.php') === false && stripos($name, '.php') !== false) json_error('cannot rename files to .php'); fm_json_toggle(@rename($path, $new_path), 'PHP rename() failed'); // duplicate file } else if($task === 'duplicate'){ if($is_dir) json_error('Can\'t duplicate dir'); $parent_dir = dirname($path); if(!is_writable($parent_dir)) json_error(_basename($parent_dir) . ' is not writeable.'); // dir must be writeable $name = name_is_allowed(post('name')); // trim and check valid $copy_path = $parent_dir . '/' . $name; if(file_exists($copy_path)) json_error($name . ' already exists.'); fm_json_toggle(@copy($path, $copy_path), 'PHP copy() failed'); // text / code edit } else if($task === 'text_edit'){ if($is_dir) json_error('Can\'t write text to directory'); if(!is_writeable($path) || !is_file($path)) json_error('File is not writeable'); $success = isset($_POST['text']) && @file_put_contents($path, $_POST['text']) !== false ? 1 : 0; // text could be '' (empty) if($success) @touch(dirname($path)); // invalidate any cache by updating parent dir mtime fm_json_toggle($success, 'PHP file_put_contents() failed'); } // dirs } else if($action === 'dirs'){ dirs(post('localstorage')); // files } else if($action === 'files'){ if(!isset($_POST['dir'])) json_error('Missing dir parameter'); get_files(valid_root_path($_POST['dir'], true)); // file read } else if($action === 'file'){ // valid path $file = valid_root_path(post('file')); if(!$file) error('Invalid file path'); // read text file header('content-type:text/plain;charset=utf-8'); if(@readfile(real_path($file)) === false) error('failed to read file ' . post('file'), 500); // check login } else if($action === 'check_login'){ json_success(true); // check updates } else if($action === 'check_updates'){ $json = @json_decode(@file_get_contents('https://data.jsdelivr.com/v1/package/npm/files.photo.gallery'), true); $latest = !empty($json) && isset($json['versions'][0]) && version_compare($json['versions'][0], config::$version) > 0 ? $json['versions'][0] : false; json_exit(array( 'success' => $latest, 'writeable' => $latest && is_writable(__FILE__) // only check writeable if $latest )); // do update } else if($action === 'do_update'){ $version = post('version'); if(!$version || version_compare($version, config::$version) <= 0 || !is_writable(__FILE__)) json_error(); // requirements $get = @file_get_contents('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/files.photo.gallery@' . $version . '/index.php'); if(empty($get) || strpos($get, ' @file_put_contents(__FILE__, $get))); // store license } else if($action === 'license'){ $key = post('key') ? trim(post('key')) : false; json_exit(array( 'success' => $key && config::$storage_config_realpath && config::save_config(array('license_key' => $key)), 'md5' => $key ? md5($key) : false )); // invalid action } else { json_error('invalid action: ' . $action); } // GET } else /*if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET')*/{ // download_dir_zip / download files in directory as zip file if(get('download_dir_zip')) { new config(); // check download_dir enabled if(config::$config['download_dir'] !== 'zip') error('download_dir Zip disabled.', 403); // valid dir $dir = valid_root_path(get('download_dir_zip'), true); if(!$dir) error('Invalid download path ' . get('download_dir_zip') . '', 404); $dir = real_path($dir); // in case of symlink path // create zip cache directly in dir (recommended, so that dir can be renamed while zip cache remains) if(!config::$storage_path || config::$config['download_dir_cache'] === 'dir') { if(!is_writable($dir)) error('Dir ' . _basename($dir) . ' is not writeable.', 500); $zip_file_name = '_files.zip'; $zip_file = $dir . '/' . $zip_file_name; // create zip file in storage _files/zip/$dirname.$md5.zip / } else { mkdir_or_error(config::$storage_path . '/zip'); $zip_file_name = _basename($dir) . '.' . substr(md5($dir), 0, 6) . '.zip'; $zip_file = config::$storage_path . '/zip/' . $zip_file_name; } // cached / download_dir_cache && file_exists() && zip is not older than dir time $cached = !empty(config::$config['download_dir_cache']) && file_exists($zip_file) && filemtime($zip_file) >= filemtime($dir); // create zip if !cached if(!$cached){ // use shell zip command instead / probably faster and more robust than PHP / if use, comment out PHP ZipArchive method starting below // exec('zip ' . $zip_file . ' ' . $dir . '/*.* -j -x _files*', $out, $res); // check that ZipArchive class exists if(!class_exists('ZipArchive')) error('Missing PHP ZipArchive class.', 500); // glob files / must be readable / is_file / !symlink / !is_exclude $files = array_filter(glob($dir. '/*', GLOB_NOSORT), function($file){ return is_readable($file) && is_file($file) && !is_link($file) && !is_exclude($file, false); }); // !no files available to zip if(empty($files)) error('No files to zip!', 400); // new ZipArchive $zip = new ZipArchive(); // create new $zip_file if($zip->open($zip_file, ZipArchive::CREATE | ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE) !== true) error('Failed to create ZIP file ' . $zip_file_name . '.', 500); // add files to zip / flatten with _basename() foreach($files as $file) $zip->addFile($file, _basename($file)); // no files added (for some reason) if(!$zip->numFiles) error('Could not add any files to ' . $zip_file_name . '.', 500); // close zip $zip->close(); // make sure created zip file exists / just in case if(!file_exists($zip_file)) error('Zip file ' . $zip_file_name . ' does not exist.', 500); } // redirect instead of readfile() / might be useful if readfile() fails and/or for caching and performance /*$zip_url = get_url_path($zip_file); if($zip_url){ header('Location:' . $zip_url . '?' . filemtime($dir), true, 302); exit; }*/ // output headers if(config::$has_login) { header('cache-control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('cache-control: public'); header('expires: 0'); header('pragma: public'); } else { set_cache_headers(); } header('content-description: File Transfer'); header('content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . addslashes(_basename($dir)) . '.zip"'); $content_length = filesize($zip_file); header('content-length: ' . $content_length); header('content-transfer-encoding: binary'); header('content-type: application/zip'); header('files-msg: [' . $zip_file_name . '][' . ($cached ? 'cached' : 'created') . ']'); // ignore user abort so we can delete file also on download cancel if(empty(config::$config['download_dir_cache'])) @ignore_user_abort(true); // clear output buffer for large files while (ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean(); // output zip readfile() if(!readfile($zip_file)) error('Failed to readfile(' . $zip_file_name . ').', 500); // delete temp zip file if cache disable if(empty(config::$config['download_dir_cache'])) @unlink($zip_file); // folder preview image } else if(get('preview')){ new config(); // allow only if only if folder_preview_image + load_images + image_resize_enabled foreach (['folder_preview_image', 'load_images', 'image_resize_enabled'] as $key) if(!config::$config[$key]) error('[' .$key . '] disabled.', 400); // get real path and validate $path = valid_root_path(get('preview'), true); // make sure is valid dir if(!$path) error('Invalid directory.', 404); // 1. first check for default '_filespreview.jpg' inside dir $default = config::$config['folder_preview_default'] ? $path . '/' . config::$config['folder_preview_default'] : false; if($default && file_exists($default)) { header('files-preview: folder_preview_default found [' . config::$config['folder_preview_default'] . ']'); resize_image($default, config::$config['image_resize_dimensions']); } // 2. check preview cache $cache = config::$cache_path . '/images/preview.' . substr(md5($path), 0, 6) . '.jpg'; // cache file exists if(file_exists($cache)) { // make sure cache file is valid (must be newer than dir updated time) if(filemtime($cache) >= filemtime($path)) read_file($cache, null, 'preview image served from cache', null, true); // delete expired cache file if is older than dir updated time [silent] @unlink($cache); } // 3. glob images / GLOB_BRACE may fail on some non GNU systems, like Solaris. $images = @glob($path . '/*.{jpg,JPG,jpeg,JPEG,png,PNG,gif,GIF}', GLOB_NOSORT|GLOB_BRACE); // loop images to locate first match that is not excluded if(!empty($images)) foreach ($images as $image) { if(!is_exclude($image, false)) { header('files-preview: glob() found [' . _basename($image) . ']'); resize_image($image, config::$config['image_resize_dimensions'], $cache); // + clone into $cache break; exit; // just in case } } // 4. nothing found (no images in dir) // create empty 1px in $cache, and output (so next check knows dir is empty or has no images, unless updated) if(imagejpeg(imagecreate(1, 1), $cache)) read_file($cache, 'image/jpeg', '1px placeholder image created and cached', null, true); // file/image } else if(isset($_GET['file'])){ new config(); get_file(valid_root_path(get('file')), get('resize')); // download } else if(isset($_GET['download'])){ new config(); // valid download $download = valid_root_path(get('download')); if(!$download) error('Invalid download path ' . get('download') . '', 404); $download = real_path($download); // in case of symlink path // required for some browsers if(@ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) @ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); // headers header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . _basename($download) . '"'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($download)); while (ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean(); readfile($download); // tasks plugin } else if(get('task')){ // attempt to load tasks plugin new config(true); get_include('plugins/files.tasks.php') || error('Can\'t find tasks plugin.', 404); exit; // main document } else { // new config, with tests new config(true); // validate exclude regex if(config::$config['files_exclude'] && @preg_match(config::$config['files_exclude'], '') === false) error('Invalid files_exclude regex ' . config::$config['files_exclude'] . ''); if(config::$config['dirs_exclude'] && @preg_match(config::$config['dirs_exclude'], '') === false) error('Invalid dirs_exclude regex ' . config::$config['dirs_exclude'] . ''); // start path $start_path = config::$config['start_path']; if($start_path){ $real_start_path = real_path($start_path); if(!$real_start_path) error('start_path ' . $start_path . ' does not exist.'); if(!is_within_root($real_start_path)) error('start_path ' . $start_path . ' is not within root dir ' . config::$config['root']); $start_path = root_relative($real_start_path); } // always get root_dirs for breadcrumbs and menu_cache (if menu_enabled) $root_dirs = get_root_dirs(); // menu_exists if menu_enabled && $root_dirs $menu_exists = config::$config['menu_enabled'] && !empty($root_dirs) ? true : false; // get menu cache hash $menu_cache_hash = false; $menu_cache_file = false; if($menu_exists){ $menu_cache_hash = get_menu_cache_hash($root_dirs); // menu cache file (if cache, !menu_cache_validate, exists and is within doc root) if(config::$storage_is_within_doc_root && config::$config['cache'] && !config::$config['menu_cache_validate']) { $menu_cache_path = config::$cache_path . '/menu/' . $menu_cache_hash . '.json'; $menu_cache_file = file_exists($menu_cache_path) ? get_url_path($menu_cache_path) : false; if($menu_cache_file) $menu_cache_file .= '?' . filemtime($menu_cache_path); } } // init path $query = config::$config['history'] && isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? explode('&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) : false; $query_path = $query && strpos($query[0], '=') === false ? rtrim(rawurldecode($query[0]), '/') : false; $query_path_valid = $query_path ? valid_root_path($query_path, true) : false; $init_path = $query_path ?: $start_path ?: ''; // init dirs, with files if cache function get_dir_init($dir){ $cache = get_dir_cache_path(real_path($dir)); if($cache && file_exists($cache)) return json_decode(file_get_contents($cache), true); return get_dir($dir); } // get dirs for root and start path $dirs = array('' => get_dir_init(config::$root)); if($query_path){ if($query_path_valid) $dirs[$query_path] = get_dir_init($query_path_valid); } else if($start_path){ $dirs[$start_path] = get_dir_init($real_start_path); } // resize image types $resize_image_types = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif'); if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) { $resize_image_types[] = 'webp'; if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0') >= 0) $resize_image_types[] = 'bmp'; } // image resize memory limit / for Javascript detection $image_resize_memory_limit = config::$config['image_resize_enabled'] && config::$config['image_resize_memory_limit'] && function_exists('ini_get') ? (int) @ini_get('memory_limit') : 0; if($image_resize_memory_limit && function_exists('ini_set')) $image_resize_memory_limit = max($image_resize_memory_limit, config::$config['image_resize_memory_limit']); // wtc $wtc = config::$config[base64_decode('bGljZW5zZV9rZXk')]; // look for custom language files _files/lang/*.json function lang_custom() { $dir = config::$storage_path ? config::$storage_path . '/lang' : false; $files = $dir && file_exists($dir) ? glob($dir . '/*.json') : false; if(empty($files)) return false; $langs = array(); foreach ($files as $path) { $json = @file_get_contents($path); $data = !empty($json) ? @json_decode($json, true) : false; if(!empty($data)) $langs[strtok(_basename($path), '.')] = $data; } return !empty($langs) ? $langs : false; } // exclude some user settings from frontend $exclude = array_diff_key(config::$config, array_flip(array('root', 'start_path', 'image_resize_cache', 'image_resize_quality', 'image_resize_function', 'image_resize_cache_direct', 'menu_sort', 'menu_load_all', 'cache_key', 'storage_path', 'files_exclude', 'dirs_exclude', 'username', 'password', 'allow_tasks', 'allow_symlinks', 'menu_recursive_symlinks', 'image_resize_sharpen', 'get_mime_type', 'license_key', 'video_thumbs', 'video_ffmpeg_path', 'folder_preview_default', 'image_resize_dimensions_allowed', 'download_dir_cache'))); // json config $json_config = array_replace($exclude, array( 'script' => _basename(__FILE__), 'menu_exists' => $menu_exists, 'menu_cache_hash' => $menu_cache_hash, 'menu_cache_file' => $menu_cache_file, 'query_path' => $query_path, 'query_path_valid' => $query_path_valid ? true : false, 'init_path' => $init_path, 'dirs' => $dirs, 'dirs_hash' => config::$dirs_hash, 'resize_image_types' => $resize_image_types, 'image_cache_hash' => config::$config['load_images'] ? substr(md5(config::$doc_root . config::$root . config::$config['image_resize_function'] . config::$config['image_resize_quality']), 0, 6) : false, 'image_resize_dimensions_retina' => config::$image_resize_dimensions_retina, 'location_hash' => md5(config::$root), 'has_login' => config::$has_login, 'version' => config::$version, 'index_html' => intval(get('index_html')), 'server_exif' => function_exists('exif_read_data'), 'image_resize_memory_limit' => $image_resize_memory_limit, 'qrx' => $wtc && is_string($wtc) ? substr(md5($wtc), 0, strlen($wtc)) : false, 'video_thumbs_enabled' => !!get_ffmpeg_path(), 'lang_custom' => lang_custom(), 'x3_path' => config::$x3_path ? get_url_path(config::$x3_path) : false, 'userx' => isset($_SERVER['USERX']) ? $_SERVER['USERX'] : false, 'assets' => config::$assets, // computed assets path )); // calculate bytes from PHP ini settings function php_directive_value_to_bytes($directive) { $val = function_exists('ini_get') ? @ini_get($directive) : false; if (empty($val) || !is_string($val)) return 0; preg_match('/^(?\d+)(?